July 13, 2011

Medal Of Honor Allied Assault Game Compressed

Medal Of Honor Allied Assault Game Compressed [Mediafire PC game]

EA has finally brought its Medal of Honor series (already wildly popular on the PlayStation) to the PC. Set during World War II, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault chronicles the fictional exploits of Lt. Mike Powell as he battles his way from the shores of Africa to the shores of France to the heart of Nazi Germany. On the PSX, the Medal of Honor games were hailed as revolutionary, and though Allied Assault never quite merits that level of praise, it's still a great game.
At first glance, Allied Assault seems to have a lot in common with the World War II-themed Return to Castle Wolfenstein, but the similarities are strictly superficial. Allied Assault takes a more realistic approach to the action, both in the enemies that you face (there are no zombies or mutants) and in the mission structure. The game unfolds across six real-life theaters of war, and the 30 playable missions vary a lot in how they play out. Just like a character in a good army movie, you'll be sabotaging tanks, destroying submarines, and sending false communications. Nearly all your missions are very well designed, especially the mission where you land on Omaha Beach.

Screenshot Game

System Requirement
  • Windows XP/Me/95/98/2000
  • 733 MHz Intel® Pentium® III or 700 MHz AMD® Athlon™ processor
  • 128 MB RAM;
  • 8x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive
  • 3 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games (additional space required for Windows swap-file);
  • 16 MB OpenGL capable video card using an NVIDIA™ TNT2, GeForce™ or greater;
  • ATI® Rage 128, Radeon® or greater; or PowerVR Kyro II with OpenGL and DirectX 8.0 compatible driver;
  • DirectX 8.0 compatible sound card;
  • Keyboard; 
  • Mouse

Download This Game Compressed | 797 MB
Mediafire Link


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